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Compare CDNs, side-by-side

In the days following our launch last week, several people told us they want an easy way to compare CDNs on CDN Planet. Sajal and I agreed this would improve the user experience and decided to start working on it immediately. And today we launch our new feature: easy, side-by-side CDN comparison.

From every CDN page (e.g. the Cachefly page), you simply select the CDN you want to compare it with in the 'Compare CDNs' box in the sidebar. That will take you to the Compare page, which is simple, straightforward and easy to use. It gives you a side-by-side presentation of POP locations, pricing and features. No bells, no whistles, just useful info presented in a nice way. Take a look for example at the Akamai versus CacheFly page or Highwinds versus Level3 page.

We hope you find this new feature useful. Don't hesitate to send us tips for further improving the user experience on CDN Planet!