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CDN Traffic Share Insights

This page is no longer maintained. Last updated on Dec 28, 2022.

Investors & Hedge funds
Since Dec 2021, we track how the top 2000 large websites and enterprises are using Cloudflare, Fastly and other CDNs.
Learn more about our premium CDN Market Intelligence service.

Aggregate Traffic Share

Share of traffic for Fastly, Akamai and Edgio on the website in the past 24 hours in US.

signify a 10+% change versus the Foo

Daily Traffic Share

Main Domain

Static Content

Hourly CDN Mappings

Main Domain

Static Content


Is the data on this page correct?

This page was developed in 2020 as a proof of concept. We used the feedback from users to develop a premium CDN Market Intelligence service for large investors and hedge funds.

This page is no longer maintained and is not part of our CDN Market Intelligence service. The detected CDNs and the traffic share percentages may be incorrect (e.g. third party services are not ignored).

What is Main Domain and Static Content?

Main Domain refers to the domain used by the website, e.g. Static Content refers to the domains used by the website to serve images, stylesheets, fonts and other static content, e.g. On most websites, static content contributes most to the overall 'page weight' (number of bytes and requests), so it's interesting to know which CDN serves most of the static content.

Websites may serve their static content from the Main Domain or - and this is more common - from one or multiple other domains. In case static content is not served from the Main Domain, the CDN Traffic Share Insights will group the data from the non-Main Domain domains into Static Content. For example, for the Amazon website the Static Content data is based on observations for and, the two domains Amazon uses for serving static content in North America.

How is the data collected for CDN Traffic Share Insights?

The CDN Traffic Share Insights are powered by our CDN Finder tool. Read more about how CDN Finder works in our blog post The All New CDN Finder.

How can the traffic share percentages add up to 101%?

We present the percentages with zero decimals because decimals don't add any value here and merely add noise. The downside is the total can be 99% or 101% in a few cases and while this is incorrect, it really is just a rounding issue.

An example: For the 24 measurements in a day, Akamai was observed 21 times and Fastly 3 times. Akamai's traffic share was 21 / 24 = 0.875, which becomes 88%. Fastly's traffic share was 3 / 24 = 0.125, which becomes 13%. The total then is 101% and while 101% is incorrect, we consider this a minor issue here because the underlying numbers are correctly computed and showing zero-decimal percentages is strongly preferred.

From which location in US is the data collected?

In short: it varies because of how Cloudflare routes traffic to 'the closest' datacenter (using Anycast technology).

For the data presented on this page, the locations are .

The longer answer:
Every hour, a script running in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in US sends requests to CDN Finder to collect fresh data for various websites. The CDN Finder tool runs in Cloudflare's edge platform and can execute in any of Cloudflare's datacenters. Because Cloudflare uses Anycast technology to route traffic to the closest datacenter, CDN Finder does not always run from the same location.

The scatter chart can have multiple 'rows' or 'series'. What do these signify?

The scatter chart shows a serie for each domain. In the Main Domain chart, you'll always see one serie but in the Static Content chart you may see one, two or more series depending on how many domains the website uses to serve static content.

A scatter chart may have 'missing dots' in a serie because that specific domain was not used every time our CDN Finder collected data.

How can I contact you, to give feedback or learn more?

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