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Lebanon CDN

An overview of Content Delivery Networks with edge servers in Lebanon

CDNs in Lebanon

We know of 3 content delivery networks that have edge servers in one or more locations in Lebanon. To our knowledge, no content delivery network provider has plans to launch a new POP in Lebanon.

Lebanon flag

* = planned POP
** = multiple POPs

CDN POP Locations Cities
Akamai ?
Cloudflare 1 Beirut
EdgeNext 1 Beirut
More POPs does not necessarily result in better CDN performance.

Akamai in Lebanon

Akamai is generally considered to be the largest CDN with edge servers in the most countries. However, the content delivery network company never publishes details about how many POPs they have in a country or where their CDN edge servers are located. The Akamai website has a public PDF with all countries where Akamai maintains Server Points of Presence and Lebanon is listed in that document, but specifics are not mentioned. It remains unknown how many POPs or edge servers Akamai has in Lebanon.


Lebanon on world map