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Europe CDN

An overview of Content Delivery Networks with edge servers in Europe

Last updated: July 10, 2024

CDNs in Europe

23 content delivery networks have edge servers in Europe, including in United Kingdom, Germany and France. 2 content delivery network providers have plans to launch a new POP in Europe.

* = planned POP

CDN POP Locations Countries
AdvancedHosting 9 * 9
Akamai ? 41
BelugaCDN 4 4
Bunny CDN 32 31
CacheFly 16 16
CDN77 19 18
CDNetworks 15 14
CDNvideo 11 11
ChinaCache 3 3
Cloudflare 47 29
CloudFront 31 22
EdgeNext 16 9
Edgio 15 13
Fastly 20 15
Gcore 31 24
Imperva 12 12
Kingsoft Cloud 1 1
Leaseweb 6 6
Lumen 35 21
Medianova 11 * 13
StackPath 12 10
Tata Communications 4 4
Tencent Cloud 6 6

Is Cloudflare the best CDN for Europe?

The cdn provider with edge servers in the most different locations in Europe is Cloudflare (47). Having POPs in many locations on the continent certainly helps in delivering content with low latency to end users. However, simply because Cloudflare has more POPs does not mean Cloudflare is the best content delivery network in Europe in terms of performance.

Akamai in Europe

Akamai is generally considered to be the largest CDN with edge servers in the most countries. However, the content delivery network company never publishes details about how many POPs they have in a country or where their CDN edge servers are located. The Akamai website has a public PDF with all countries where Akamai maintains Server Points of Presence and Europe is listed in that document, but specifics are not mentioned. It remains unknown how many POPs or edge servers Akamai has in Europe.

Content Delivery Networks in Europe, by Country

How many CDNs have POP(s) in each of the 43 countries in Europe?

Country CDNs with (planned) POPs
Albania 1
Austria 14
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Belgium 9
Bulgaria 11
Switzerland 12
Cyprus 5
Czech Republic 9
Germany 23
Denmark 8
Estonia 2
Spain 19
Finland 9
Faroe Islands 1
France 21
United Kingdom 21
Guernsey 1
Gibraltar 1
Greenland 1
Greece 6
Croatia 6
Hungary 7
Ireland 12
Isle of Man 1
Iceland 4
Italy 18
Jersey 1
Saint Lucia 1
Lithuania 5
Luxembourg 4
Latvia 5
Monaco 1
Malta 1
Netherlands 21
Norway 7
Poland 15
Portugal 10
Romania 10
Serbia 5
Sweden 18
Slovenia 1
Slovakia 3
Sierra Leone 1


Europe on world map