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Brazil CDN

An overview of Content Delivery Networks with edge servers in Brazil

CDNs in Brazil

We know of 20 content delivery networks that have edge servers in one or more locations in Brazil. 1 content delivery network provider has plans to launch a new POP in Brazil.

Brazil flag

* = planned POP
** = multiple POPs

CDN POP Locations Cities
AdvancedHosting 1 São Paulo
Akamai ?
BelugaCDN 1 São Paulo
Bunny CDN 7 Brasília - Curitiba - Fortaleza - Porto Alegre - Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo - Salvador
CacheFly 7 Brasília - Curitiba - Fortaleza - Porto Alegre - Rio de Janeiro - Salvador - São Paulo
CDN77 1 São Paulo
CDNetworks 3 Juazeiro do Norte - Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
CDNvideo 2 Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
ChinaCache 1 São Paulo
Cloudflare 30 Americana - Belém - Belo Horizonte - Blumenau - Brasília - Caçador - Campinas - Campos dos Goytacazes - Chapeco - Cuiabá - Curitiba - Florianópolis - Fortaleza - Goiânia - Itajaí - Joinville - Juazeiro do Norte - Manaus - Porto Alegre - Recife - Ribeirão Preto - Rio de Janeiro - Salvador - São José do Rio Preto - São José dos Campos - São Paulo - Sorocaba - Timbó - Uberlândia - Vitoria
CloudFront 2 São Paulo** - Rio de Janeiro
EdgeNext 3 Fortaleza - Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
Edgio 2 Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
Fastly 4 São Paulo** - Curitiba - Fortaleza - Rio de Janeiro
Gcore 4 Fortaleza** - São Paulo** - Porto Alegre - Rio de Janeiro
Imperva 2 Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
Lumen 4 Curitiba - Fortaleza - Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo - Belo Horizonte* - Brasília* - Porto Alegre*
Medianova 1 São Paulo
StackPath 2 Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo
Tencent Cloud 2 Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo

Is Cloudflare the best CDN for Brazil?

Of all cdn providers in Brazil, Cloudflare is the cdn company with edge servers in the most different locations (30). This does not mean Cloudflare is the best content delivery network in Brazil in terms of performance. However, having more POP locations in the country does typically help deliver content with low latency, especially in large countries.

Akamai in Brazil

Akamai is generally considered to be the largest CDN with edge servers in the most countries. However, the content delivery network company never publishes details about how many POPs they have in a country or where their CDN edge servers are located. The Akamai website has a public PDF with all countries where Akamai maintains Server Points of Presence and Brazil is listed in that document, but specifics are not mentioned. It remains unknown how many POPs or edge servers Akamai has in Brazil.

Brazil - Facts & Figures

Brazil has a population of approximately 206 million. Brazil borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and covers 47.3% of the continent's land area. Brazil is in time zones UTC−2 to −5 (BRT or BRST in summer).
Wikipedia: Brazil

Brazil on world map