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Middle East CDN

An overview of Content Delivery Networks with edge servers in Middle East

Last updated: July 10, 2024

CDNs in Middle East

19 content delivery networks have edge servers in Middle East, including in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Israel. To our knowledge, no content delivery network provider has plans to launch a new POP in Middle East.

* = planned POP

CDN POP Locations Countries
Akamai ? 12
Bunny CDN 7 6
CacheFly 5 5
CDN77 6 6
CDNetworks 14 12
CDNvideo 8 8
ChinaCache 1 1
Cloudflare 21 12
CloudFront 5 4
EdgeNext 18 10
Edgio 3 3
Fastly 2 1
Gcore 12 11
Imperva 3 3
Kingsoft Cloud 1 1
Lumen 4 3
Medianova 7 5
Tata Communications 1 1
Tencent Cloud 4 4

Is Cloudflare the best CDN for Middle East?

The cdn provider with edge servers in the most different locations in Middle East is Cloudflare (21). Having POPs in many locations on the continent certainly helps in delivering content with low latency to end users. However, simply because Cloudflare has more POPs does not mean Cloudflare is the best content delivery network in Middle East in terms of performance.

Akamai in Middle East

Akamai is generally considered to be the largest CDN with edge servers in the most countries. However, the content delivery network company never publishes details about how many POPs they have in a country or where their CDN edge servers are located. The Akamai website has a public PDF with all countries where Akamai maintains Server Points of Presence and Middle East is listed in that document, but specifics are not mentioned. It remains unknown how many POPs or edge servers Akamai has in Middle East.

Content Delivery Networks in Middle East, by Country

How many CDNs have POP(s) in each of the 14 countries in Middle East?

Country CDNs with (planned) POPs
United Arab Emirates 16
Bahrain 8
Israel 12
Iraq 7
Iran 2
Jordan 5
Kuwait 8
Lebanon 4
Oman 7
Palestinian Territory 1
Qatar 11
Saudi Arabia 12
Turkey 13
Yemen 1

Middle East

Middle East on world map